How to Safeguard Our Personal and Financial Data?

Feb 28, 2009

Security threats are still haunting Internet and the world of information techlology, causing countelss people being victims by those cyber attackers, causing their personal informations, financial datas and other confidential identities stolen. These security threats represents vulnarabilities or wekanesses of operating systems and programs. Malicious hackers attempt to use these vulnerabilities to run programs on you computer, performing spying, stealing and damaging your datas. Thus, taking protective safeguard actions is neccesary. What can we do to protect ourselves against these attacks?

1. Intall an antivirus program
What is an antivirus program? Antivirus is a protective software designed identify and remove computer viruses, as well as many other types of harmful computer software, collectively referred to as malware. which includes: viruses, Trojans, keyloggers, hijackers, dialers, and other code that vandalizes or steals your computer contents. In order to be an effective defense, your antivirus software needs to run in the background at all times, and should be kept updated so it recognizes new malicious software.
How does an antivirus works?
Virus definition files tell the anti virus software what code characteristics to look for while monitoring your computer. When a certain file type or activity occurs that matches a characteristic, the anti virus software blocks the execution of code and alerts you that a virus has been found. The virus is then isolated and destroyed.

Hundreds of new computer viruses are introduced onto the internet each week, and as antivirus software developers find these new viruses, they create updates of the virus “definitions” in order to provide the antivirus software with a way to identify and destroy even the newest of viruses. It is extremely important to update your antivirus software every day in order to make sure you have the most current virus definitions available. Fortunately, most modern anti virus software comes with an “automatic update” feature that makes this task a one time “set it and forget it” kind of thing.

It is important to keep antivirus definitios up-to-date and renew its subscription. New viruses, worms, and Trjan horses are developed everyday. Antivirus companies allow you to download updated virus definitions for free or some might require a subscription fee. Antivirus definitions should be updated daily or at least once per week to make sure you have the most recent definitions. Many people make the mistake of purchasing 12 months of updates, and forget to renew their subscription, when the antivirus update subscription runs out, automatic updates stop, leaving computers vulnerable to all new viruses.

Remember to run through virus scan at least once a week. Many antivirus programs can automatically run in the background to watch for new bugs before they have a chance to cause damage. However, it is still recommended to run a thorough virus scan of your entire system at least once per week to make sure your computer is always safe and clean.

Besides that, remember to scan all e-mail attachments before you send or receive them to ensure that you are not unknowingly spreading a virus. Any files received through an chat or Instant Messaging program should be scanned too especially when you do not know the sender. Also, remember to scan any floppy disk or removable media before opening files on the disk and do not leave a removable disk anywhere as the datas inside by be stolen by people. Always keep it close to you, especially if the datas inside is confidential.

2. Install an anti-spyware.
Spyware detection programs, also known as anti-spyware programs, spyware cleaners, and spyware removers, are designed to search out and remove spyware and adware from your computer. Depending on what spyware cleaner you use, it will detect, deactivate, and remove spyware from your computer. Plus it will immunize your computer from spyware it has already destroyed by blocking that spyware from accessing your computer in the future.

Why anti-spyware is needed?
A spyware has all privileges of the user who installed it. Spyware cause conflict with an operating system and applications. It can slow down the system, delete, read, write, download, install another software, change or edit users' preferences, even formattng hard drives.

There is no 100% secured Operating System or browser (software in general) - if you visit security related sites or forums, you'll learn that everyday a security hole is being discovered and reported. Most of this security holes can be exploited by many method and one of which is to bypass some security programs and even you're security, program and operating system settings.

Most freebies or goodies are too good to be true - Ever wonder what is the catch of installing a freeware? Some program that is free to a user is truly free but not free from spyware. The above definition of spyware are some of the catch. Most of the spyware can't be controlled by the user. You say no already but it keeps showing or installing itself after you've removed it.

Anti-virus alone is not enough, not all anti-virus will prevent installation of spyware! A program that is bundled with spyware can't be detected by your anti-virus program as “infected with spyware“. It is because the setup file is not infected. When the user execute the exe file and agreed with those many license agreements or terms of use of the software during installation, you gave your permissions away in just a snap by allowing the said application to spy on you or gather your private data. Persistent spyware application does not only spy on you but can caused instability with your programs or system

How anti-spyware works?
Spyware remover actively scans your computer for spyware by analyzing the codes of all of your programs and files and comparing these to its database of known spyware definitions. Because spyware is a program and it is installed like any other application, it has a "signature" or "fingerprint". This signature is comprised of the entries in the operating system's registry (for Windows users - the Windows Registry) that are changed and the files that are created on your hard drive. The spyware cleaner will look for evidence of any files or changes that look like those related to known spyware. If it finds a match, it will disable the file and alert you. You will then be given a choice to quarantine the file or delete it.

3. Install a firewall
A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. You can implement a firewall in either hardware or software form, or a combination of both. Firewalls prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet (i.e., the local network to which you are connected) must pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.

Why a firewall is needed?
To help determine whether or not you need a firewall all you need to do is answer one question - do you connect to the Internet? If your answer is yes, then you need to protect your personal files & privacy at all times.A common misconception is that only broadband/high-speed users need firewall protection. However the truth is that all users, including dial-up users, should have a firewall installed to protect themselves from unwanted scans and unauthorized applications attempting to send data out to the internet. Not having a personal firewall installed on a computer that is connected to the internet, even for a short period of time, risks are high and very real. You stand a chance to potentially lose all data on your PC from harmful viruses.

Internet connection leaves you vulnerable to hackers who want to access your financial and personal information. Some hackers may be after your high-speed connection so that they can send malicious viruses and worms, blackening your reputation. Other intruders have the power to destroy your operating system on a whim. How can you lock that computer door but still have the freedom to do your business online?

How does firewall work?
Once a hacker get access to your files malicious codes spread through your computer retrieving your personal information that the hacker can use to steal your identity or charge items with your credit card numbers.

A firewall not only stops this from happening but keeps the malicious file out of your computer so it can't spread to your other files. That's why it's called a firewall because its job is similar to a firewall that keeps a fire from spreading from one area to the next.

If a hacker tries to invade your computer files to get your passwords and credit card numbers you've used for online purchases he simply can't get access. Computer firewall software will allow good data in but blocks all bad data from entering your computer.

Good data is when you are surfing the Internet, visiting web sites, downloading photos or data files. But bad data, like hacker programs, or anything that spies on your Internet habits without your knowledge is not allowed. s

When computer firewall protection is enabled, everything that goes in and out of your computer is monitored. With the amount of malicious programs on the Internet today it's also a way to prevent spyware and adware from getting into your computer.

To round it up, a solid firewall will help you stop intruders from accessing your system. You keep your Internet link to the outside world but the outside world can't view you unless you want them to. With a firewall in place you will still have typical email access, but chat and other interactive programs will require you to take an extra step to grant access before you can use them. A firewall is powerful, but unobtrusive-just like a deadbolt lock inside a door.

4. Applying biometric controls.
Biometric contol is an automated method of veryfyinig the identify of a person, based on physiological or behavioral characteristick. Most biometric systems match some personal characteristic of a person against a prestored profile. A comparison of the characteriscs against the prestored template produce a matching score, which indicates how closely the actual and prestored data match. Common biometric controls include the followings:

Facial recognition
Facial recognition records the spatial geometry of distinguishing featuresof the face. Different vendors use different methods of facial recognition,however, all focus on measures of key features of the face. Because a person’s face can be captured by a camera from some distance away, facial recognitionhas a clandestine or covert capability (i.e. the subject does not necessarily knowhe has been observed). For this reason, facial recognition has been used inprojects to identify card counters or other undesirables in casinos, shoplifters instores, criminals and terrorists in urban areas.

Iris Scan
Iris scanning measures the iris pattern in the colored part of the eye,although the iris color has nothing to do with the biometric. Iris patterns areformed randomly. As a result, the iris patterns in a person’s left and right eyesare different, and so are the iris patterns of identical twins. Iris scanning can beused quickly for both identification and verification applications because the irisis highly distinctive and robust.

Retinal Scan
Retinal scans measure the blood vessel patterns in the back of the eye.The device involves a light source shined into the eye of a user who must bestanding very still within inches of the device. Because users perceive thetechnology to be somewhat intrusive, retinal scanning has not gained popularity;currently retinal scanning devices are not commercially available.

Voice recognition
Voice or speaker recognition uses vocal characteristics to identifyindividuals using a pass-phrase. A telephone or microphone can serve as asensor, which makes it a relatively cheap and easily deployable technology.However, voice recognition can be affected by environmental factors such asbackground noise. This technology has been the focus of considerable efforts onthe part of the telecommunications industry and the U.S. government’s intelligence community, which continue to work on improving reliability.

The fingerprint biometric is an automated digital version of the old inkand-paper method used for more than a century for identification, primarily bylaw enforcement agencies. The biometric device involves users placing theirfinger on a platen for the print to be electronically read. The minutiae are thenextracted by the vendor’s algorithm, which also makes a fingerprint pattern analysis. Fingerprint biometrics currently have three main application arenas:large-scale Automated Finger Imaging Systems (AFIS) generally used for law enforcement purposes, fraud prevention in entitlement programs, and physicaland computer access

Hand/Finger Geometry
Hand or finger geometry is an automated measurement of manydimensions of the hand and fingers. Neither of these methods takes actual printsof the palm or fingers. Spatial geometry is examined as the user puts his hand onthe sensor’s surface and uses guiding poles between the fingers to properly placethe hand and initiate the reading. Finger geometry usually measures two orthree fingers. Hand geometry is a well-developed technology that has beenthoroughly field-tested and is easily accepted by users. Because hand and finger geometry have a low degree of distinctiveness, the technology is not well-suitedfor identification applications.

Dynamic Signature Verification
We have long used a written signature as a means to acknowledge ouridentity. Dynamic signature verification is an automated method of measuringan individual’s signature. This technology examines such dynamics as speed,direction, and pressure of writing; the time that the stylus is in and out of contact with the “paper,” the total time taken to make the signature; and where thestylus is raised from and lowered onto the “paper.”

Keystroke Dynamics
Keystroke dynamics is an automated method of examining anindividual’s keystrokes on a keyboard. This technology examines such dynamicsas speed and pressure, the total time taken to type particular words, and the timeelapsed between hitting certain keys. This technology’s algorithms are still beingdeveloped to improve robustness and distinctiveness. One potentially usefulapplication that may emerge is computer access, where this biometric could beused to verify the computer user’s identity continuously.


David said...

The authors really did well because they explained about each types of safeguard measures and how each method works. Figures are even provided to explain how anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall works. Thanks for the works! I love the picture which the computer are sitting comfortably inside a protective glass, and the virus cannot harm it..nice..

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